Signs That A Home Was Previously A Grow Op
Have you ever wondered why your neighbors never surface from their home, rarely have any garbage to pick up, always have the blinds down...

Inspect Before You Renovate
A professional building inspection by a qualified engineer can help you separate the NEEDS from the WANTS. The time has finally come....
Recalled Products In The Home
Do you have any recalled products in your home? Millions of people live with recalled products without ever knowing. Use this great free...

Why You Should Have a Pre-Listing Inspection
As the seller, many people think that only the home buyer has a home inspection upon buying the home. However, the seller can benefit...
The Top 5 Ways to Choosing the Right Builder
*SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lUhc0anhWs Visit www.tarion.com for more information.
Do you know what you're buying?
When the housing market becomes competitive, many forego Home Inspections as a means of gaining an advantage in the bidding process....

Winter's Silent Killer. Are You Protected?
Despite the lack of snow and frosty weather, December signals the imminent arrival of Christmas trees, crackling fires, burning candles...

Fall Back Safely
One of the biggest signs that summer is officially over is scheduled to take place this week. No we’re not talking about Halloween –...