Protect Your Property From Water Damage
Water may be essential to life, but, as a destructive force, water can diminish the value of your home or building. Homes as well as...
Winter, Humidity and your Household
As the outside air becomes cold and dry during the winter season, so does the air inside your homes. The levels of humidity in the air...
Changing the HVAC Filter
Part of responsible homeownership includes, of course, regular home maintenance. And there are some tasks that, if deferred, can lead to...
Truss Uplift
An Uplifting Experience Truss uplift has nothing to do with plastic surgery or under- garments. It is a phenomenon common in homes built...
Heating Efficiency
High efficiency heating systems have become popular because they save fuel and, one would suppose, save money. But what do they mean when...
Structure 101 - "This house isn't going anywhere." Or is it!
Serious structural problems in houses are not very common, but when they occur they are never cheap to fix. Some can’t be fixed at all....
Signs That A Home Was Previously A Grow Op
Have you ever wondered why your neighbors never surface from their home, rarely have any garbage to pick up, always have the blinds down...
Inspect Before You Renovate
A professional building inspection by a qualified engineer can help you separate the NEEDS from the WANTS. The time has finally come....